Sunday, February 24, 2008

The story of stuff

Great website/video here

Spoiler alert for those who enjoy the sport of shopping.

If a Trefoils in the forest . . .

A recent email to my punny Grist colleagues.

Dear Gristaphiles,

I have Samoa work to do to prepare for a party very important meeting at my house tonight of girl scouts aspiring presidential candidates and their little sibling Tagalongs.

We will eat pizza and may even do some Do-si-dos. But most importantly, we will sort the Thin Mints from the All-Abouts in order to make sure our nation can once again indulge in the tradition that is begging from your friends and neighbors the girl scout cookie.

If there are any left when we're done, I'll be sure to send some out Seattle-way.

Meantime, peace out for the day/week. Have a great weekend.


p.s. If a Trefoils in the forest does it make a sound?